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6 rue de la Grande Chaumière
75006 Paris

Everyone’s vision is unique, your surgeon will provide you with a personalized cost estimate

Presbiviz procedure
Corrects presbyopia

Laser treatment throughout the procedure with no mechanical cutting, using a blade and a microkeratome.

Uses the VisuMax femtosecond laser the MEL 80 excimer laser and programmed individualized treatment on the CRS Master planning station.

Learn more about the PresbiViz technique

FROM 1500 €

Relex smile technique
Corrects myopia

This intracorneal technique only uses the VisuMax femtosecond laser, a leading edge innovative technology.

Learn more about the ReLEx SMILE technique

FROM 1400 €

Lasik technique
Corrects myopia, astigmatism, hyperopia

Uses laser throughout the procedure, with no mechanical incisions using a blade and a microkeratome

Uses the VisuMax femtosecond laser and the MEL 80 excimer laser with personalized programming on the CRS Master planning station.

Learn more about the LASIK technique

FROM 1250 €

PKR technique
Corrects myopia, astigmatism, hypermetropia

Uses the MEL 80 excimer laser with individualized programming on the CRS Master planning station

Learn more about the PKR technique

FROM 1100 €

A word from our patients

A successful operation!

My eye operation was a success thanks to the new RELEX SMILE procedure. My eyes stung a bit for 4 hours after the operation and that’s all! It’s so wonderful to get up in the morning and not to have to put on my glasses! I see the world differently through new eyes! Thanks to the team at the Espace Nouvelle Vision Center!

I’m so happy!

It’s been 2 months since I had eye surgery at the Espace Nouvelle Vision Center (to treat myopia with LASIK). I’m very happy, I can see perfectly, with no need for glasses or contacts! It’s changed the way I live, I don’t have to deal with taking care of contacts, and it’s so great to get up in the morning and be able to see! I highly recommend this operation for anyone that is eligible. The surgeon and the team at the Espace Nouvelle Vision Center were fantastic!

I have perfect vision again!

With a friendly and professional team, and an operation that was not as impressive as I thought it would be, I now have perfect vision again!
No more tired eyes after a long day with contacts, or blindly searching for my glasses…I am totally satisfied with the operation and would like to thank my surgeon and his team!

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